SF6 Leakmate simple and effective
The SF6 Leakmate from Ion Science is simple and effective to use. For example, it can tell whether the leak you are measuring is small, medium or large.
The gas sniffer automatically compensates for the surrounding air composition, such as temperature fluctuations or changes in air currents in the room. Intelligent control automatically adjusts the instrument correctly to the air composition.
The instrument then uses the present gas concentration as the zero line and then begins to search for higher gas concentrations, which, other things being equal, will be higher the closer you get to a gas leak.
This will be alerted by both sound and visual graph.
This makes it possible to find a gas leak, even in an already contaminated area.
SF6 Leakmate gas sniffer – Ion Science
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SF6 Leakmate simple and effective
The SF6 Leakmate from Ion Science is simple and effective to use. For example, it can tell whether the leak you are measuring is small, medium or large.
The gas sniffer automatically compensates for the surrounding air composition, such as temperature fluctuations or changes in air currents in the room. Intelligent control automatically adjusts the instrument correctly to the air composition.
The instrument then uses the present gas concentration as the zero line and then begins to search for higher gas concentrations, which, other things being equal, will be higher the closer you get to a gas leak.
This will be alerted by both sound and visual graph.
This makes it possible to find a gas leak, even in an already contaminated area.
Additional information
Ion Science
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
Gas sniffer